What I learned from 4CC volunteer-西島亞美
I was very nervous when I got on the airplane at the airport. On the first day...
What I learned from 4CC volunteer-山崎美萌
The reason why I participated in this volunteer was not only to improve my English skills, but also to use my English to help other people...
What I learned from 4CC volunteer-伊藤美月
My job was to work at the accreditation center inside the hotel. At the accreditation center...
A Magical Technique “Keep Smiling”
As one of the members at Accreditation Centre, I was responsible for the receptionist; specifically...
What I learned from 4CC volunteer-木村エミ
My goals in joining this volunteer activity were to improve my English and listen to many different kinds of Englishes...
What I learned from 4CC volunteer-本田夢步
First of all, it was an honor to be a member of the International volunteer work. This was a new experience for me...