大聲讀出螢幕上的英文短文,有25 秒準備時間及30 秒作答時間。這類題型共有兩題。
Directions: Read aloud the news broadcast on the screen. You have 25 seconds to prepare and 30 seconds to read aloud.
And now it’s time for the local weather report. It will be warm and sunny on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. However, we expect it to rain all day on Saturday. So don’t forget to take your umbrella!
Directions: Look at the picture on your screen. Describe where the people are and what they are doing. Provide as much detail as you can. You have 30 seconds to prepare and 30 seconds to speak.
依照題目指定主題,將聽見的資訊轉達給另一人。有15 秒準備時間及30 秒作答時間。
Directions: In this part of the test, you will listen to a person talking about a topic. Then you will tell another person what you heard. First, listen to the talk. You have 15 seconds to prepare and 30 seconds to speak.
You are at a staff meeting. The company president makes an announcement.
使用題目提供的資訊來完成任務,有30 秒準備時間及30 秒作答時間。
Directions: Use the information provided to help you complete a task. You have 30 seconds to prepare and 30 seconds to speak.
You have been invited to Carla’s party, but you lost the invitation.
題目提供的四張圖片構成一個故事,請用自己的話說出這個故事。故事內容需解釋圖片中發生了什麼事且為何會發生。可描述地點、人物、動作和感覺。有45 秒準備時間及60 秒作答時間。
Directions: The four pictures below illustrate a story. In your own words, tell the story. Your story should explain what happens in the pictures and why. You can describe places, people, actions, and feelings. You have 45 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to speak.
根據題目提供的資訊,向說話對象提出建議並說明原因。有60 秒準備時間及60 秒作答時間。
Directions: Use the information provided to help you complete a task. You have 60 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to speak.
Your friend Liz is looking for an apartment to rent. She has asked for your advice. You found the two options below.