
Questions1-2:短文朗讀 (Read a Short Text Aloud)
(Read a Short Text Aloud)

大聲讀出螢幕上的英文短文,有25 秒準備時間及30 秒作答時間。這類題型共有兩題。


Directions: Read aloud the news broadcast on the screen. You have 25 seconds to prepare and 30 seconds to read aloud.

And now it’s time for the local weather report. It will be warm and sunny on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. However, we expect it to rain all day on Saturday. So don’t forget to take your umbrella!

  1. 清晰度(發音、連音及停頓點)
  2. 音量
  3. 語調(抑揚頓挫)
Questions 3-4:照片描述 (Describe a Photograph)
Questions 3-4:照片描述
(Describe a Photograph)



Directions: Look at the picture on your screen. Describe where the people are and what they are doing. Provide as much detail as you can. You have 30 seconds to prepare and 30 seconds to speak.

  1. 方向性描述(從左到右/從上到下):從圖片的左方/上方看到的東西開始描述,漸往右方/下方講述。除描述看見的人物/物品之外,也可形容人物的外觀、性別、動作及物品的外觀、位置、狀態。
  2. 類別性描述(主題/同類):從相同性質的東西開始描述,描述順序可為:地點/地方→人物→物品。描述時亦可形容人物的外觀、性別、動作及物品的外觀、位置、狀態。
It is a small room. On the left of the picture, a woman is copying something with the copying machine. There's a tall filing cabinet behind the copying machine. I believe there are many files stored in it. There's also a short filing cabinet in the middle of the picture. A tall woman in long beautiful skirt is waiting behind the woman. It seems that she also needs to use the copying machine.
Questions 5:主旨重述 (Listen and Retell)
Questions 5:主旨重述
(Listen and Retell)

依照題目指定主題,將聽見的資訊轉達給另一人。有15 秒準備時間及30 秒作答時間。


Directions: In this part of the test, you will listen to a person talking about a topic. Then you will tell another person what you heard. First, listen to the talk. You have 15 seconds to prepare and 30 seconds to speak.

You are at a staff meeting. The company president makes an announcement.

Your coworker was late to the meeting. Tell your coworker what the company president said.
In today's staff meeting, the president said they've found a very convenient new office building. It's more centrally located in the city, so it's more convenient. The move is scheduled at the end of this month, so that means we're moving to the new building at the end of this month.

Questions 6:簡短互動 (Short Interaction)
Questions 6:簡短互動
(Short Interaction)

使用題目提供的資訊來完成任務,有30 秒準備時間及30 秒作答時間。


Directions: Use the information provided to help you complete a task. You have 30 seconds to prepare and 30 seconds to speak.

You have been invited to Carla’s party, but you lost the invitation.

Leave a voice message for Carla. Ask her two questions about the party based on your notes below.
1. 是個voice message(語音訊息)
2. 提出兩個問題
Hello, Carla. Thanks again for inviting me to your party. I'm looking forward to having fun there with you and everybody! However, I lost the invitation. Can you please tell me again when the party will begin? And by the way, what kind of food should I bring to the party? Some desserts? Soup or salad? Please call me back when you're available. Thank you.
Questions 7:故事描述 (Tell a Story)
Questions 7:故事描述
(Tell a Story)

題目提供的四張圖片構成一個故事,請用自己的話說出這個故事。故事內容需解釋圖片中發生了什麼事且為何會發生。可描述地點、人物、動作和感覺。有45 秒準備時間及60 秒作答時間。


Directions: The four pictures below illustrate a story. In your own words, tell the story. Your story should explain what happens in the pictures and why. You can describe places, people, actions, and feelings. You have 45 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to speak.

這大題測驗考生說故事的能力。說故事需按照圖片順序,加入圖片細節,故圖片之間的轉折語,先後順序的副詞等(答題範例中畫上底線示範),可按照上下文需求加入,增加故事的語流順暢性。這題答題時間有60 秒,可加入圖片以外的人物情緒、想法等細節,讓故事更豐富。
The Johnson family needed a new TV set, and the department store nearby happened to have a big sale on TVs. Therefore, Mr. Johnson took his two kids to the sale and bought one TV home.

After setting the TV on the wall, Mr. Johnson and his two kids turned on the TV. To their surprise, the TV wasn't working! Though Mr. Johnson had followed every step on the user manual, it still wasn't working. Thus, all Mr. Johnson could do was ring the salesperson and informed her about the situation.

Half an hour later, the salesperson came to Mr. Johnson's place. She turned on the TV after one quick check at the back of the TV. Mr. Johnson was very confused about what went wrong. “You forgot to plug the cable into the TV.” the salesperson replied. Now everyone could watch TV happily in the living room together!
Questions 8:提議和支持論點 (Make and Support a Recommendation)

根據題目提供的資訊,向說話對象提出建議並說明原因。有60 秒準備時間及60 秒作答時間。


Directions: Use the information provided to help you complete a task. You have 60 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to speak.

Your friend Liz is looking for an apartment to rent. She has asked for your advice. You found the two options below.

  • Tell Liz about the two options using ALL of the information provided
  • Recommend one of the options, and
  • Explain why the option you chose is better than the other


Hi, Liz, I found two apartments for you. One is Highland apartments, and the other is Sunny Hills apartments. Highland apartment has only one bedroom, and it was built two years ago. It's five blocks away from the nearest public transportation. As for the Sunny Hills apartment, it has two bedrooms, and it's built thirty years ago. The nearest public transportation is just one block away.

After considering their advantages and downsides, I would recommend Highland apartment to you. You live by yourself, so I think one bedroom may meet your needs. Though the apartment is a bit far from the public transportation, I think it's a perfect chance for you to do more exercise. A ten-minute walk every day can keep you fit and healthy. Moreover, Highland apartment is quite new. You don't have to deal with problems hidden in old houses. Therefore, I think Highland apartment suits you better.