
Questions 1-3:句子重組 (Build a Sentence)
Questions 1-3:句子重組
(Build a Sentence)

拖曳方塊中的單字或片語來形成適當的句子,有60 秒作答時間。這類題型共有三題。


Directions: Drag the words in the boxes to form an appropriate sentence. The first part of the sentence is provided for you. You have 60 seconds to complete the sentence.

句子最後結尾為問號,得知本句應為問句。kinds of 加上movies 成為「何種電影」,問句中助動詞需要往前,故後面三字結合成為do you like。問喜歡何種事物時,名詞需要跟在疑問詞後,故整句成為「What kinds of movies do you like?」。
Questions 4-6:簡短造句(Write a Sentence)
Questions 4-6:簡短造句
(Write a Sentence)



Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture. Use the TWO words or phrases under the picture. You can change the forms of the words and you can use them in any order. You have 90 seconds to write.

The/A woman is cleaning the/a cabinet.
Questions 7:簡訊回覆 (Respond to a Brief Message)
Questions 7:簡訊回覆
(Respond to a Brief Message)

根據題目指示提供清晰且完整的回覆,有8 分鐘作答時間。


Directions: Respond clearly and fully to the message from your friend Chris. You have 8 minutes to prepare and write.

  • Suggest one dish you like, and
  • Briefly explain to Chris how to make it
Hope you're doing well! My sister's visiting me tomorrow and I'm thinking of cooking something nice for her (don't know what!). I wonder if you have any ideas...
Your Response:
即時通訊的回應幾乎都很短,目標就是用最簡要的方式提供對方需要的資訊。本題的回答由於涉及步驟,要用「順序性」的轉折語,例如:First、Second、Third 和To begin with、Then、Last。

題目一共有兩個任務。第一個是要描述一道喜歡的菜,第二個則是要簡短描述如何烹飪這道菜餚。只要是所有跟烹飪有關的題型,由於涉及步驟,所以最重要的訊息結構就是要使用「順序性」的轉折語,例如:First、Second、Third 和To begin with、Then、Last。

I would suggest egg salad for your sister. It's light, and most of girls like it. It's also quick and easy to make. First, get some eggs. Boil and peel them. Then, slice the eggs. Put the slices on the plate. Last, prepare some mayonnaise and put it on the side. There you go!
Questions 8:敘述文撰寫(Write a Narrative)
Questions 8:敘述文撰寫
(Write a Narrative)

依照題目指示寫一篇簡短的故事,有10 分鐘作答時間。


Directions: Write a short blog post about a problem you solved. Tell a story about it, including what the problem was and how you solved it. In your story, you can describe people, places, actions, and feelings. You have 10 minutes to prepare and write. Write as much as you can in the time provided.

My Blog

以此題而言,手上唯一有的資料只有「解決問題的經驗(about a problem you solved)」,內容要有「問題是什麼(What was the problem)」以及「如何解決(how you solved it)」。把題目看清楚之後,第二段幾乎都是完全相同的四個條件,分別是人物(people)、地點(places)、行動(actions)、以及感覺(feelings)。
Something terrible happened to me yesterday. When I walked out the door to go to school, the door behind me locked itself, and my book bag, my key and my phone were all still inside. Luckily, the bus card was in my pocket, so there was no problem for me to go to school. When I got to school, I asked for my friend Sara's help and borrowed her cellphone. I called my mother and she got my book bag and things I need for me. I felt really bad and sorry to cause trouble for my mother. Next time when I am about to close any door, I'll make sure to hold the key in my hand.
Questions 9:長訊息回覆(Respond to an Extended Message)

依照題目指示寫e-mail 回信,在回覆中,請務必答覆信件中所有的問題。你有10分鐘準備並書寫。


Directions: Respond to this e-mail from Pamela Sorani. In your response, be sure to answer all of Pamela's questions. You have 10 minutes to prepare and write.

To: You
From: psorani@RPEmployers.com
Subject: Survey about jobs

Thank you for agreeing to answer some questions I have for an article I'm writing about jobs and work.
First, at what age do people in your country usually begin to work, and at what age do they typically retire?
Also, what types of training or education do you think people will need to get well-paid jobs in the future? Why?

Thank you in advance for your comments.
Pamela Sorani

1. At what age do people in your country usually begin to work, and at what age do they typically retire?

2. Also, what types of training or education do you think people will need to get wellpaid jobs in the future? Why?
Dear Pamela,
I am happy to answer your questions.
The people in my country usually begin working around 21 to 22. It's the time they graduate from college. They often retire around 65. It's the age to retire by law.
I believe in the future, people need to get trainings or educations that will give them knowledge and skills to learn quicker and better. The world is changing very fast, and I do not believe that any single training will be the answer to success. When people can learn very fast, they can change with the world.
I hope my answers help. Thank you.
yours truly,